Popper is an OCaml testing library that can be used for writing simple unit-tests as well as property-based ones. Its underlying design is inspired by the Python library Hypothesis.
Popper is currently in alpha-stage and is to be used at your own risk.
High-level features of Popper include:
- A uniform API for defining regular unit- and property-based tests.
- Embedded shrinking — invariants used when constructing samples for property-based tests are always respected.
- Compositional design — tests may be bundled and nested arbitrarily.
- Ships with a
for automatically deriving comparator and sample functions for custom data types. - Deterministic (and reproducible) results.
- Colorful output (cred goes to Alcotest, couldn't resist the inspiration).
- Support for line-number reporting, timing information and logging.
- Check out the getting started section for a step by step introduction.
- Take a look at some examples.
- Browse the API.
- View the source repository.
Show me an example
Here's what test output looks like:
It was generated from the following code:
open Popper
open Sample.Syntax
type exp =
| Lit of bool
| And of exp * exp
| Or of exp * exp
| Not of exp
[@@deriving show, ord, popper]
(* A buggy evaluator function *)
let rec eval = function
| Lit b -> b
| And (e1, e2) -> eval e1 || eval e2
| Or (e1, e2) -> eval e1 || eval e2
| Not b -> not @@ eval b
(* A simple unit test *)
let test_hello_world =
test @@ fun () ->
equal Comparator.string "hello world" (String.lowercase_ascii "Hello World")
(* Another unit test *)
let test_lit_true = test @@ fun () -> is_true (eval (Lit true) = true)
(* A property-based test *)
let test_false_ident_or =
test @@ fun () ->
let* e = exp_sample in
is_true (eval e = eval (Or (Lit false, e)))
(* Another property-based test *)
let test_true_ident_and =
test @@ fun () ->
let* e = Sample.with_log "e" pp_exp exp_sample in
is_true ~loc:__LOC__ (eval e = eval (And (Lit true, e)))
(* Bundle some tests together *)
let exp_suite =
[ ("Lit true", test_lit_true)
; ("False ident or", test_false_ident_or)
; ("True ident and", test_true_ident_and)
(* Top-level test-suite *)
let suite =
suite [ ("Hello World", test_hello_world); ("Expression", exp_suite) ]
let () = run suite